The Power of One… The Power of 10… is a grassroots campaign.
One-on-one conversations with family, friends, and neighbors . Each of us doing what we Americans are called to do. Whether we are one or many. We the people are calling upon the US Congress to Pass the Equal Rights Amendment.
Senators Lisa Murkowski and Tammy Baldwin and your Congressional Representives
~ WHEN ~
Any day that works for you each week, place a call to encourage our US Congress to defend, protect and empower women.
Start small. First week on Monday give it a try. Call Lisa. Then Tammy. Next week invite a friend or two to give it a try too!
It’s a great way to make a difference
The Power of 10 grassroots campaign engages folks to call upon members of Congress, both in the House and in the Senate respectively to Remove the Deadline on the ERA.
Also call other members of our US Congress.
Women across the USA are not getting their fair pay, it’s just that simple. Healthcare access is a fact of life. Title IX – Sex Discrimination in schools is not enough. See below sample script for more reasons.
Three years after women won the right to vote, the Lucretia Mott Amendment, now known as the Equal Rights Amendment (ERA) after significant language change was introduced in Congress by Senator Curtis and Representative Anthony, both Republicans. It is authored by Alice Paul, head of the National Women’s Party, who led the suffrage campaign. Anthony was the nephew of suffragist Susan B. Anthony.
Many Americans across the nation support Congress removing the time limit added to the bills by Congress back in 1972 , and extended in 1979 to 1982.
Legislation is in both the House of Representatives and the Senate to officially remove the deadline for the ERA. when passed by both chambers the ERA will become law and part of our US Constitution, now that the necessary 38 states have voted to ratify the amendment.
Identify yourself and state (zip code works), that you are calling in your individual capacity, and reference the organizations that you are either in a leadership role, a member of ________ organization/network or working alongside.
Be sure to ask that they keep a tally and add your name and various other groups that you are calling on behalf of to the count. They are obliged to count your call as this is a US Constitutional Amendment.
Then state in your own words, see the below example as a guide. Be sure to call/text your personal network and remind them to place their calls too!
Good Day my name is _____________ and I am calling Senator/Representative ____________ urging his/her support of the passage of the ERA into the US Constitution and co-sponsor the resolution calling for the retroactive removal of the Deadline on the Equal Rights Amendment. And to speak to their colleagues enlisting their support, and to Vote Yea! when the resolution comes to the floor for a vote. I am asking this because…
Give at one reason why this is important to you, a personal antidote/story is compelling. Here are several good issues that the Equal Rights Amendment will address:
Equal Pay for Equal Work
Domestic Violence
Healthcare (i.e. Reproductive Health; Pharmaceutical Research and Development, Physician & Hospital Care, etc.)
Education (Early Childhood Development Programs, Access to Arts & Sciences, Ongoing and Continuous Learning Program
Economic growth, being that married and single mothers or women that are head of the households spend their monies on their families the more money they earn the more they have to spend as well as invest or build new enterprises, thereby building economic growth for the USA in the process.. And widows too.
Provide an amendment for the US Supreme Court Justices to look to as unique issues come up before the courts that are sex related.
Please put my name down as a supporter of this resolution. And have a great day!
This part will be updated soon!
You can use this letter template for legislators websites contact form too!
Dear Senator ____________/ Representative____________,
I am writing you today to urge you to cosponsor Senate Bill- S.J. Res. 4/House Bill- H.J. Res 25, which calls for Congress to remove the deadline imposed on the Equal Rights Amendment.
The Equal Rights Amendment will empower and protect women.
Please put my name down as a supporter of this resolution.
I am expecting you to cosponsor and vote when it comes to the floor for a vote as the US Constitution does not prohibit discrimination on the account of sex.
Thank you so much for all that you do to serve the State of _________ and the United States of America.
Your Name
Hi Helene, this site looks great! Yay. Talk to you soon. Moira
Thank you, Helene, for your steadfast commitment to seeing the Deadline removal through. I’m proud to be one of your 10. ?? Tammy
P.S.. I left a voicemail with Mike and was not able to get through to Mitch last week. Will call again.
Follow Up – Not able to get through to Mitch’s DC office, again. Left follow-up voicemail at Mike’s office. Asked for call back.
Got through to a staffer in Speaker Johnson’s office today. They were polite and assured me all calls are tallied and that I would receive an answer back. Keep the calls up!