Cori Bush and Rev. Tommie Pierson to Speak at the Rally4Rights – St. Louis

Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders have come out in support of Women’s Rights. Unfortunately, Donald Trump hasn’t. The ERA is a US Constitutional Amendment that would empower all women no matter their color and provide for gender equality. The ERA is the unfinished business of the Civil Rights Movement. At the rally speakers will talk about the systemic issues that the ERA would address. From the Gender Pay Gap, to health care choices, to who can use what bathroom, which is why your participation is essential. To make your donation, please Click Here.
We have an amazing speaker line up. Just to name a few:
Rev. Tommie Pierson is a graduate of Beaumont High School in St. Louis; Pierson is former General Motors autoworker who’s served as a Baptist pastor around the region for decades. He first won election to the Missouri House in 2010, and later became the chairman of state’s Legislative Black Caucus. Pierson’s church became a major gathering point during the Ferguson unrest. It hosted a raucous August press conference for Gov. Jay Nixon, and also served as a sanctuary for protesters after a grand jury declined to charge former Ferguson police officer Darren Wilson with a crime.
Jocelyn Morris has always worked for “Equality for Women†and that includes efforts to correct imbalances in our culture in the US and around the planet which affect women and minorities in jobs and society. She has served on the National Organization for Women’s Global Feminist Strategies and Issues National Committee, 2007; currently serving on the  to Chair to present. She is VP Missouri NOW. She coordinated the NOW 2012 Conference Sexual Trafficking Workshop NOW Life member June 2009.
She currently serves on the Sexual Abuse to Prison Pipeline committees. Jocelyn published Soul Food Cook for the Afro-Culture Workshop in the Philippines in 1970 and again 2003 for Blacks in Government in Missouri. She is a retired Civilian Employee of the U.S. Army.
The monies raised for this event will cover: our travel, food and lodging of volunteers staffing, printing of literature for our exhibitor’s booth at the Netroots Nation 16 Conference and rally materials.  We estimate we will need a minimum of $10,000. Your support heartens us more than you know as we work tirelessly to add all women and gays to the Nation’s contract with its People. Will you make this happen? We need your help and a donation to support our work is an investment in the future. To make this happen Click Here
And do check our our Rally4Rights
Thank you for you support!!!
Love and LIght in Christ,
Helene de Boissiere-Swanson, Founder Katrina’s Dream